Sunday, February 3, 2013

Stranger things have happened in US politics

What did we do for entertainment before the magazines at the check out counter of the supermarket!? How could we keep up with the capers of the Kardashians & their venal, publicity-crazed mother? How else would we know that Bill & Hillary are involved in a $120 million divorce & that cheating will cost him $10 million a pop!? Before February is over they’ll be flat broke! Whoopee! Of course, that will cost her the election since you can’t have a first man chasing after female interns, diplomats (all one of them) & ambassador’s wives. He’s supposed to look pretty, not horny. We also learn that Bill is dying. More’s the pity! And hallelujah! All that useless weight-loss stuff in the magazines is baloney compared to this important political information. On the basis of reports in the National Inquirer & Globe it can be said with assurance that Hillary is out of the game in 2016. It’s all over but the crying. And in most quarters, it’s all over but the gigantic sigh of relief!

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