Saturday, February 26, 2011

What shari‘a law actually means

Justin Elliottt
Salon 26 Feb -- The right wants to ban it in America, but do they even know what it is? ... But even basic facts about shari‘a -- what is it? how is it used in American courts? -- are hard to come by. So I decided to talk to Abed Awad, a New Jersey-based attorney and an expert on shari‘a who regularly handles cases that involve Islamic law. He is also a member of the adjunct faculties at Rutgers Law School and Pace Law School. He recently answered my questions via e-mail.... Can you give a couple examples of when shari‘a has come up in cases that you've handled?

 In the past 12 years as an attorney, I have handled many cases with an Islamic law component. U.S. courts are required to regularly interpret and apply foreign law -- including Islamic law....

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