Monday, February 4, 2013

Israel prevents 20,000 children from living with their parents in Jerusalem

Israel prevents 20,000 children from living with their parents in JerusalemIsraeli Interior Ministry refuses to list the children in the population register and show them on the ID cards of their parents.
Palestinian and Israeli human rights groups have revealed that 20,000 children from Jerusalem are denied permission to live with their parents in the occupied city of Jerusalem because, the Israeli authorities say, one parent holds a West Bank ID card. Apart from the mental anguish, this is causing great difficulty for these children with regards to their access to education and health services. The problem goes back to 2002, when the Israeli Interior Ministry took the decision to freeze all requests for family reunification submitted by couples who have one spouse carrying a blue (Jerusalem) ID card and the other a West Bank ID card. This was one of a series of measures aimed at emptying Jerusalem of its Palestinian residents and pushing Israel's "Judaisation" policy.
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