Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Deception as a way of life: Pro-Israel opponents of Galloway plan to attend Canadian talks in disguise

Mike Cassese/Reuters

Former British MP George Galloway speaks to supporters at a town hall meeting in Toronto, Oct. 3, 2010.

He is slated to deliver the same rousing account of his pro-Palestinian activism that he gave by satellite link from New York last year when he was banned as a terrorist supporter by the Canadian government, then again last month at a United Church in Toronto, when that ban was overturned in Federal Court.

But as Canadians flock to hear a British politician who was kicked out of the Labour Party in 2003, and voted out of office last May, some home truths are emerging about Canadian Middle Eastern politics, a bizarro world in which Zionists pose as Palestinians to shout down a bearded Scot.

An email circulating among Zionist and pro-Israel opponents of Mr. Galloway offers a novel and surprising glimpse into audience strategy in the YouTube era, in which the audience doubles as the media. It suggests Mr. Galloway can expect novel forms of resistance, to say nothing of aggressive questions, from a shadow army of pony-tailed Zionists disguised by keffiyehs and “hand-woven Guatemalan man-purses.”

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  1. Galloway is (a) shaking in his boots, (b) relishing the confrontation?
    Guess which.

  2. The boxing gloves like muffs say it all, Jemmy..A hell of a character. They better be prepared!
