Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Palestinian Civil Society Slams OECD Over Israel’s Accession

Occupied Palestine – Palestinian civil society represented by the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC), a wide coalition of the largest Palestinian mass organizations and trade unions, issued a strong condemnation of OECD’s decision yesterday to welcome Israel as a member of the organization at its ministerial meeting to take place on May 27-28.
"A BNC spokesperson commented: “Officials of OECD member states are perfectly aware that Israel does not comply with any of the objective criteria put forth. Yet, they have decided to single out Israel, elevate it above all these objective criteria, reward it for its defiance of the OECD, not to mention of international law, and make the entire accession process a farce.”
The sad thing is that one vote only could have denied Israel admission to the OECD but Turkey, a member, voted favorably.


  1. Turkey is a close ally of Israel.

    All countries with high per capita income should be allowed into the OECD; including Thailand.

  2. <span>"The sad thing is that one vote only could have denied Israel admission to the OECD but Turkey, a member, voted favorably."</span>
    The fact that they got any vote is vomitous .

  3. thankgodimatheistMay 12, 2010 at 4:56 PM

    Hey, welcome BACK (No pun intended).He he.

  4. thankgodimatheistMay 12, 2010 at 4:56 PM

    I knew you'd like the news anan. Enjoy.

  5. thanks tg

    But just not quite yet, i'm told I need few more moths to fully recover .

  6. On the blog, I meant.
