Friday, May 14, 2010

Israeli Settler Hits Sheep with his Rifle near At-Tuwani

AtTuwaniProject — March 24, 2010 — On 18 March 2010, an Israeli settlement security guard from the South Hebron Hills settlement of Ma'on kicked and hit sheep with his rifle near the village of At-Tuwani. Israeli settlers in the South Hebron Hills routinely chase Palestinian shepherds off of their land through the use of intimidation and force. This area has seen shepherds beaten and arrested and livestock poisoned and shot, in an attempt to keep Palestinians shepherds off the land. These attacks are most often carried out on land that is privately-owned Palestinian land.
Samuel Nichols of the Christian Peacemaker teams comments on the video he took below in the occupied Hebron hills. "Myself and a CPT colleague, were providing accompaniment to a family who routinely graze their flock near the settlement of Ma'on... Worth noting is that settlement security guards' salaries are paid by the Israeli military. So this is a settler, living in Ma'on, who is an employee of the Israeli Defense Forces."
For more information see Christian Peacemaker Teams:

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