Thursday, May 13, 2010

Fascist Settlers Torch 300 years old Olive trees In Silwan

A group of fundamentalist Israeli settlers torched on Wednesday at night an 11-Dunam olive orchard in Al Rababa valley, in Silwan, south of the Old City of Jerusalem.
The Maan news Agency reported that three olive trees, over 300 years old, were burnt down while dozens of trees were partially burnt.

The attack took place while thousands of Jewish settlers held a provocative procession in Silwan under extensive Israeli police presence. Yet, the police did not prevent the settlers from torching the orchard.


  1. What is the process for getting these criminals arrested? Can evidence of their misdeeds be given to the police?

  2. thankgodimatheistMay 13, 2010 at 4:40 PM

    Police and settlers collaborate. They work in osmosis. Very often those actions are conducted under the IDF's protection . I've posted already youtube videos showing soldiers and settlers attacking together. Not to forget that the army stationed in the OT comprises huge numbers of settlers. They have effectively infliltrated the chain of command as well.

  3. Posted this on Michael Tottens. I hope someone there can suggest a lawyer who is willing to work pro bono to help arrest the fools who did this.

    Could you e-mail Legal I and ask her if she could suggest any lawyers?

  4. thankgodimatheistMay 13, 2010 at 9:27 PM

    So you think it's an isolated action? This is happening EVERY day and been happening for the past 10 years. No one ever was prosecuted!

  5. That has to change. How about the most scary resistance of all . . . legal resistance . . . lead by an army of tens of thousands of lawyers who sue Israelis to death . . . and bankrupt Israel with legal bills for defense attourneys.

    It sounds facetious . . . but common . . . its a good idea.

    Obviously legal resistance should be only part of the resistance movement.  :-P So should a multibillion dollar global lobbying and advertizing campaign. And so should Palestinian economic development; Palestinian institution building [including Palestine's security forces], sathya graha and many other things.

  6. Yeah anan,  maybe you can get some of those naked short sellers you support in hedge funds to support it.  Of course,  there may not be many of them left in a short while...
