Sunday, May 2, 2010

Even Israel's biggest lovers are growing impatient

In the same vein of the post below, from Haaretz:
Yossi Sarid
"Thankfully, we have lived long enough. For 2,000 years - or at least 43 - we expected to hear this voice from the heights, but it tarried. No one can accuse the 3,000 Jewish intellectuals who signed a letter to be presented to the European Parliament Sunday calling on Israel to cease construction in the West Bank and East Jerusalem of being Israel-haters. No one can depict French Jewish philosophers Bernard-Henri Levy or Alain Finkielkraut as self-hating Jews.

These are people who seize every opportunity to defend Israel publicly and remain faithful to it. Even during Operation Cast Lead and after the Goldstone report they were on Israel's side. The State of Israel is the apple of their eye in good times, and especially in bad."


  1. Anybody seen the list of names?

  2. thankgodimatheistMay 3, 2010 at 1:44 AM

    <span><span>No I haven't. All I know is that the French Jewish organisations are  angry as hell at the petitoners because issues in relation to Israel are discussed publicly but the arguments themselves are NOT attacked, refuted or discussed..The usual.</span> 
    <span>European Jews sign petition critical of Israel’s policies, angering Jewish organizations</span></span>
