Friday, May 14, 2010

"Death To The Arabs"

There has been lots of talk again about a One or Two State Solution here in Israel/Palestine… After you watch the following ‘celebration’ held in Jerusalem’s Old City…. complete with chants of “Death to the Arabs” …. ask yourself one question….
If you were a Palestinian, would you want to share a state with these animals?


  1. I don't want to share a state with them-and I'm Jewish.

  2. TGIA, do I take it you know support a two state solution based on the 1948 UN partition plan with exchanges of territory of equal quality? And with some right of return and compensation for confiscated Palestinian property? As well as Palestinian citizenship for any Israelis who live in the new Palestinian state?

  3. Just a question -- if they did manage to drive out the Palestinians, who would they have to be horrible and nasty to?

  4. thankgodimatheistMay 14, 2010 at 9:12 PM

    Good question Ann. But here's my position. I do not see any solution anymore. Israel/Israelis see here a once in a life time opportunity to grab the land and esbtablish the zionist dream/nightmare...They can sense that this can be achieved without significant opposition from any side powerful enough to counter their plans. The Palestinians are just not going to be in the picture. They be pushed out one way or another and that's it.Pessimistic, yes but realistically.

  5. I agree the picture in the short term is pessimistic.  But I think history is on the side of what is just.  When I hear stories such as the recent one that support for Zionism among American Jews is declining, or read the interview w/ Gilad Atzmon in which he says Israel as a state can't continue, then I think there is hope.
