Friday, May 7, 2010

1001 Inventions and The Library of Secrets - starring Sir Ben Kingsley as Al-Jazari

Three school children visit a dusty library to research the story of 'The Dark Ages'. What they find changes their world view dramatically as ingenious inventors and pioneers of science and culture are vividly brought to life.

Starring Oscar-winning legend Sir Ben Kingsley in the role of The Librarian, this astounding movie provides an eye-opening introduction to the 1001 Inventions initiative and is the centrepiece for the global touring exhibition.
The 1001 Inventions exhibition opened at London's Science Museum on January 21st 2010. Since that time it has become one of the most popular exhibition's that this prestigious venue has ever hosted.
An average of 3,000 visitors a day are visiting the exhibition, and the feedback from the audience has been overwhelmingly positive.
This video gives a brief introduction to the exhibition's current residency. 1001 Inventions will be at the Science Museum in London from 21st January to 30th June 2010 (with a short closure from 25th Feb to 12th March).

1001 Inventions is a global educational initiative that promotes awareness of the scientific and cultural achievements of Muslim civilisation, during the thousand year period from the 7th century onwards, and how those contributions helped build the foundations of our modern world.
Working with the world's leading academics, 1001 Inventions engages with the public through educational media and interactive global exhibitions, in order to highlight the shared cultural and technological inheritance of humanity.
Since it launched in March 2006, 1001 Inventions has successfully educated more than a million people, promoted cross-cultural understanding and strengthened social cohesion.
1001 Inventions was created by the academic Foundation for Science, Technology and Civilisation (FSTC) with support from the British Government.


  1. Brilliant introductions TGIA,  it is good that you have posted this.  It will help to pull people out of the "modern" dark ages.

  2. <span>Yes, and many of the trailblazers in science and medicine in the Islamic Civilization were Assyrian and Persian!</span>

  3. And Jewish and Christian.  But I really need to read more about it before I open my mouth any more.  lol
