Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Of Roadside Bombs And Afghanistan

"On Sunday night 60 Minutes ran a story entitled, "The Deadliest Weapon." Before that broadcast and the story reported by Bryon Pitts, I had been ambivalent about the war in Afghanistan. But after watching 60 Minutes I decided America cannot win -- no matter how long we stay or how many troops we send; that it's hubris to think our fate will differ from that of Alexander the Great, England, or the Soviet Union."
The Huffington Post


  1. It took the English 800 years to realise that they weren't wanted in Ireland. Some people are slow learners.

  2. Time is on their side.

    People who are defending their land and liberty are going to win, eventually.

  3. The Taliban are only defending THEIR liberty to impose their sick brand of religion on the popoulation.  They are NOT defending the liberty of the rest of the people of Afghanistan. The majority of the people of Afghanistan do not want the Taliban in control.

  4. "The majority of the people of Afghanistan do not want the Taliban in control."
    Quite so - we didn't need to be told this, but some people need to be told that the Afghans don't want the western powers in control either.
