Tuesday, December 15, 2009

‘A few years ago I used McCarthy tactics against a professor who criticized Israel. Now I’m going on the Gaza Freedom March’

by J Glatzer
"A few years ago I had a professor say that Israel made Gaza into “the biggest open-air prison in the world”. I had no idea what or where Gaza was, but he criticized Israel. I loudly protested, calling him: anti-Israel, Anti-American, and an Anti-Semite. When I later told my friend how offended I was, I claimed the professor blamed the Jews for all the problems in the world.
This was part of my experience being a knee-jerk, uncritical defender of Israel. Nobody taught me McCarthyism specifically; labeling any defense of Palestinian human rights as anti-Israel came naturally to me. It’s truly what I thought being Jewish–I’m half–was about."


  1. Yes, a friend of mine said that part of his upbringing as a Jew was to respond in an emotional, subjective, irrational way whenever anyone got close to criticizing Israel. 

  2. Good to see more American Jews learning the truth. Very interesting!

  3. Mojo, if you visit and read Mondoweiss you'll see many  Jews who are not buying it any more.. The same with Jews Sans Frontieres and Jews for Palestine, Coteret, Blumenthal, Loewenstein etc..The movement is growing, slowly, but growing..
