Thursday, December 17, 2009

Apple's built-in dictionary's definition for rejectionist

"PS: As I typed the title to my post, my Mac red-underlined the word ‘rejectionism’. I decided, for the hell of it, to look up and perhaps use ‘rejectionist’ instead, and this is what Apple’s built-in Dictionary (which is based on the New Oxford American Dictionary, 2nd Edition) listed as its meaning:
re•jec•tion•ist |riˈjek sh ənist|
noun [often as adj. ]
a person who rejects a proposed policy, esp. an Arab who refuses to accept a negotiated peace with Israel.


  1. <span style="">This is unbelievable , considering Steve Jobs himself is partly an Arab,an unwanted child by a Syrian Father . Decades ago , back in France the translation of "Voyou "[thug]  in  the dictionary was a " sale Arabe" [dirty Arab]. 
    And we love you too.</span>

  2. Jobbs has little to do with it. It's the integrated New Oxford American Dictionary.
    Time to send them a feedback on this one..They should change the dictionary provider....

  3. Same definition in '<span style=" color: #333333; line-height: 16px; -webkit-border-horizontal-spacing: 2px; -webkit-border-vertical-spacing: 2px;">an Arab leader or country that opposes accommodation or compromise in negotiations with Israel.'</span>


  4. <span style="">Jobbs has little to do with it. </span>
    <span style="">t's obvious the guilty party in here is the Oxford Dictionary ,but I find it hard to believe that Jobs (Apple) isn't at least aware of it ,it's  such a common word .</span>
    I've sent a feedback.

  5. Interesting that his biological father is Syrian.  I wonder why he gave him up for adoption and wonder if he regretted that. 

  6. A few years ago there was some controversy because the OED included "to cheat" as one definition of "Jew". Some Jewish groups wanted them to delete that definition. I had to side with the OED, even though I wasn't too fond of that defintion. The thing is, the OED's function is to record all usages of a particular word, not just the unoffensive ones. Maybe there should be a dictionary with only pleasant uses of words, but the OED isn't it.

    That being said, I feel the definition of "rejectionist" in the Apple dictionary is inaccurate because it combines and oversimplifies two definitions. It is true there was a Rejectionist bloc in the Palestinian movement, but the word also has a general meaning of a non-compromising political stand. Two correct definitions would have been appropriate  rather than one bad definition.

    All that being said, some things should be rejected. So being called a rejectionist is not a bad thing in every context.

  7. In a portion of cases I agree Joe,  in this one it is meant to be misleading and damaging

  8. <span style="">I wonder why he gave him up for adoption </span>
    The Biological father was young and unable to raise him.
    I'm not sure whether he regretted it , but who wouldn't ? Jobs had a good loving American foster family . It's only in the last few years that Steve made contact with his real parent,i presume all is apple sweet. 
