Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Jaradat died in room for informers

RAMALLAH (Ma‘an) 2 Mar -- Palestinian prisoner Arafat Jaradat, who died last week days after he was detained by Israeli forces, died in an interrogation room in Megiddo prison known for holding informers, says the Palestinian ministry of prisoners affairs. In a report made public Saturday, the ministry detailed that Jaradat was detained on Feb. 18 and went through a tough interrogation process at a Shin Bet facility in Jalameh detention center. "He was tortured savagely and was put under psychological pressure on suspicion that he threw stones at Israeli troops," the report said. "Then he was moved to an interrogation facility in Megiddo (the "stool pigeons" room) for further investigation because he wouldn't admit to the charges at Jalameh. Two days after he was moved, he was murdered." The ministry’s report described the "stool pigeons' room" as the most dangerous arm Israeli intelligence services turn to when interrogating Palestinian detainees. "Prisoners are beaten, tortured, blackmailed and threatened in that room in the absence of any watchdog."
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Independent doctor to investigate detainee's death
BETHLEHEM (Ma‘an) 1 Mar -- Israel will grant a request from the Palestinian Authority to bring an independent doctor to investigate the death of a detainee who died in Israeli custody, an official said Friday.  Civil Affairs Minister Hussein al-Sheikh told Ma’an that the foreign doctor would investigate the death of Arafat Jaradat, who died last week in an Israeli prison. "This is the first time Israel agrees that a non-Israeli doctor will participate in an issue related to Palestinians in Israeli jails," al-Sheikh told Ma‘an.  But the official said the doctor had not yet been identified and he did not name a date of arrival.
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