A long, narrow hallway, white fluorescent bulbs and the stench of bunker air, on the left a row of interrogation rooms, with the shouts of the interrogators and the screams of the interrogatees always coming out of them, and on the right, along a gray concrete wall, stood a line of “detainees.” stood and waited for their turn to be interrogated. Legs shackled, hands behind their backs, a jute sack over their head, standing in absolute silence. As surrealistic as a movie about the Inquisition. At the end of the hall, on a sort of giant metal mesh, another detainee was hung by his handcuffs like Jesus on the cross, with his hands up and to the sides and his sack on his head, groaning with pain, and a soldier screaming at him and beating him with the butt of his rifle.Read more
Anger is a legitimate emotion in the face of injustice. Passive acceptance of evil is not a virtue.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Israeli who revealed “medieval-style” torture of Palestinians faces virulent backlash
"Without exaggeration and without even a drop of melodrama for enhancing the effect: we arrived at a medieval-style torture facility.
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