This is delicious. There is so much anger in Egypt against Saudi Arabia, not only for the long-standing Saudi support for Mubarak, but also for Saudi media support for Mubarak to the last minute. Furthermore, the release of the audio tape by Mubarak (Bin Laden style) to Saudi propaganda channel, Al-Arabiyyah TV (news station of King Fahd's brother-in-law) only produced more anger. The star of Egypt's opposition journalism, `Abdul-Halim Qandil stated bluntly that "he who had the illusion that Egyptians can launch a democratic revolution without colliding with America and Israel and Arab officialdom represented by Saudi Arabia, had rid himself of that illusion." Al-Arabiyyah TV was so taken aback by the bitter attacks on Saudi Arabia and its media in Egypt, that it had to explain the decision to air the Bin Laden, I mean Mubarak, tape by invoking "professional" criteria. Yeah, professional. For Saudi propagandists to cite professionalism to explain their propaganda, is like the Ramallah clique citing resistance to explain its collaboration with Israel.
Anger is a legitimate emotion in the face of injustice. Passive acceptance of evil is not a virtue.
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