Sunday, February 13, 2011

Egypt: The revolution begins now

"The revolution has made several gains over the past two weeks that few would have predicted. The ruling National Democratic Party has been sidelined from Egyptian politics, many leaders of the old regime have fallen, the state’s security apparatus and propaganda machine have collapsed, and, most astoundingly, a detested autocrat has been successfully toppled by the people. But the revolt has delivered another novelty that eclipses any immediate political payoffs: An Egyptian revolutionary spirit was born that has restored a sense of pride and self-worth to a people long crippled by a deep cynicism and a suffocating feeling of stasis. As the recently deputized Vice-President Omar Suleiman announced that the president had delegated his powers to the armed forces, anti-regime chants were suddenly drowned out by cries imploring people to raise there heads high because they were Egyptians."
Al Masry Al Youm- Read more

1 comment:

  1. Tony Blair, the machiavellian mass-murderer and peace envoy, has appeared on BBC TV News to assure us that the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel is safe. Apparently he has ensured this in discussions with "some people in Egypt".
