Wednesday, December 8, 2010

From the Angry Arab on Human Rights Watch

This is by far the lowest by Human Rights Watch: this should really help in unmasking its (fundraising) agenda
This is the most despicable piece of political propaganda intended by Human Rights Watch to please its "pro-Israel donors" as one internal memo once called them. Look at the language: "Jordanian authorities should fully investigate and publicly condemn the recent refusal by the owner of an Aqaba restaurant to serve Israeli Jews, Human Rights Watch said today." Notice that it said: "Israeli Jews" to make the act of rejection of Israelis appears as an anti-Semitic act. So if I refuse to deal with Israelis, that also make it a hostile act against Jews qua Jews? Human Rights Watch now considers widespread Arab popular rejection of normalization with Israel a human rights violation? Palestinians are being forced to live at sub-human level in Gaza, and Palestinian are still being shot like pigeons by Israeli terrorists, and lousy Human Rights Watch is worried about expulsion of Israelis from a restaurant in Jordan? Does Human Rights Watch think that we can take its political claims seriously after this? Let me get this straight: Human Rights Watch is more concerned about the expulsion of Israelis from a restaurant than they are about the expulsion of Palestinians form their homes on weekly basis. What shame? What a despicable pro-Israeli propaganda organization it has become.

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