Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Aspirin a life saver!

aspirin bottleA new Lancet study has suggested that a daily dose of aspirin taken with a glass of milk could cut the risk of cancer deaths by up to half.
The Oxford University Study, published in the Lancet, covered some 25,000 patients, mostly from the UK.

During the trials patients were taking at least 75 mg of aspirin every day for between four and eight years.
After five years follow up, it was found death rates for all cancers fell by 34%, while stomach and bowel cancers by 54%.
After 20 years the risk of death from all solid cancers was 20% lower among patients taking aspirin.
For stomach and bowel cancers the long term death rates were 35 % lower.
"The cancers at the upper end of the bowel are reduced by about 70%," said the study's author, Professor Peter Rothwell.
"Those are the cancers that can't be prevented by screening at the moment. So taking screening together with aspirin could really have a big impact on the overall risk of bowel cancer."
Using aspirin to ward off cancer is said to be most effective between the ages of 45 to 50.
Read more


  1. Yeah, yeah, yeah! Another miracle drug that cures/prevents cancer. If I'd kept count I could have said how many of these have been peddled in my lifetime. Somewhere between 50 and 80.
    In a few years time (should I survive) I expect to read that Aspirin causes cancer. 

  2. I agree..Claims are always inflated for whatever reason often related to funds, grants and such..It's nevertheless true that Aspirin "a plus d'une corde a son arc". (Not sure how to say this in English..)

  3. Ain't a one-trick pony?

  4. Bullseye..
