Friday, November 26, 2010

BBC puts mosque between quotation marks (The Angry Arab)

A group of Palestinian men pray on the ruins of a mosque in Khirbet Yarza

"Israel razes West Bank 'mosque'" If an Arab puts a "synagogue" between quotation marks, cries of anti-Semitic would follow and the ADL would call on the UN Security Council to convene.
The Angry Arab



  2. Thanks Samer for this. I posted it. As'ad was saying that he doubt this Feltman could be anything but a big mouth..Anyway...

  3. When a BBC reporter phones in an eye-witness account of an incident in the occupied territories that reflects badly on the Israelis, he/she is asked, "have you checked your facts with the Israelis?" The eye-witness then obtains a version of the incident which contradicts first report. Both versions are submitted and a news report is produced using parts of both versions or the Israeli version alone.
    As time goes on and other news agencies contradict the BBC version a little tweaking of the story may be found necessary.
    All in the cause of 'balance', you understand.

  4. Yes same here with the ABC and SBS..Balance..As a French media critic famously said: "5 minutes (air time) for Hitler, 5 Min. for the Jews"..Balance..

  5. Informative video
    Israel's settlement building

  6. The video doesn't play, vza..

    Israel's settlements, many of which are regarded as illegal,

    Why many?
    All are illegal...

  7. Hmm. I don't really know what the problem is...I checked it again and it played for me. As for many or all, you'll have to take that up with the Economist, I thought the visuals were very good because they clearly showed how widepsread the settlements are.

  8. Why am I shown as a guest?

  9. Yeah, it's recurrent now for a reason I ignore but if you type your moniker again it will stick this time..

  10. Oh, but I know they're not your words vza..It just amazes how much fiddling is taking place even with respected media like the Economist..It's really simple, every settlement in this side of the green line is illegal according to international law...Period..
