Sunday, October 24, 2010

Vatican synod ends with criticism of Israel : There's no promised land and no chosen people!

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) – Israel cannot use the biblical concept of a promised land or a chosen people to justify new settlements in Jerusalem or territorial claims, a Vatican synod on the Middle East said Saturday.


Asked about the passage at a news conference, Greek-Melchite Archbishop Cyrille Salim Bustros, said:

"We Christians cannot speak about the promised land for the Jewish people. There is no longer a chosen people. All men and women of all countries have become the chosen people.

"The concept of the promised land cannot be used as a base for the justification of the return of Jews to Israel and the displacement of Palestinians," he added. "The justification of Israel's occupation of the land of Palestine cannot be based on sacred scriptures."

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1 comment:

  1. " ... Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor said theological disputes over the interpretation of the holy scriptures disappeared with the Middle Ages ..."
    and Jewish claims to the land of Israel disappeared with the Dark Ages, but they still trot them out.
    The Catholic church has always been closer to Islam than to Judaism for the simple reason that there are are more Muslims in the world than Jews, so more potential converts.
    But what, I wonder, has happened to the Vatican's special relationship with the CIA. Has it been discarded following the demise of the Eastern Bloc? Or maybe the CIA's forward planning involves a realignment in the Middle East regardless of the State Department's current priorities.  
