Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Robert Fisk: Western leaders are too cowardly to help save lives

Has Israel lost it? Can the Gaza War of 2008-09 (1,300 dead) and the Lebanon War of 2006 (1,006 dead) and all the other wars and now yesterday's killings mean that the world will no longer accept Israel's rule?

Don't hold your breath.

You only have to read the gutless White House statement – that the Obama administration was "working to understand the circumstances surrounding the tragedy". Not a single word of condemnation. And that's it. Nine dead. Just another statistic to add to the Middle East's toll.

But it's not.

1 comment:

  1. Remember Nick Clegg, the threat to Israel (May 5th, below)? Well that was before he got a job in our new patched-together government.
    This morning he was on the TV declaring his undying love for the Children of Israel. But, he whimpered, wouldn't Israel be a much safer place if the blockade of Gaza was lifted? The security of Israel was paramount - isn't it always with these blood-soaked hypocrites? - but spare a thought , and a bag or two of pasta, for the Palestinians.
