Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Israel Police shot Palestinian (Ziad Jilani) instead of arresting him

East Jerusalem man who ran over Border Police officers was reportedly shot twice in the face from close range while lying on the ground.

By Amira Hass

A motorist from East Jerusalem who ran over and wounded several Border Police officers Friday was shot twice in the face from close range while still lying on the ground, eyewitnesses said. Neighborhood witnesses said the fatal shots were fired once the officers no longer had reason to fear that their lives were in danger, and could have easily arrested the suspect.

Witnesses in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Wadi Joz told Haaretz that the motorist, Ziad Jilani, suddenly swerved his car and hit the group of officers walking further up the road. They said, however, that they believed the collision was an accident, and not committed intentionally as initially reported.

Ziad Jilani
Full story

1 comment:

  1. the fatal shots were fired once the officers no longer had reason to fear that their lives were in danger, and could have easily arrested the suspect.

    Israeli Death Forces at work
