Monday, June 7, 2010

"Our Enemies, the Israelis"

When will we the Americans wake up to the threat?
Justin Raimondo

"One of my readers, in the comments section below, wrote the following in response to my last column on Israel’s hijacking of the Gaza flotilla:

“Again I ask the question: What do the Israelis have on our politicians that makes them such whores? Dirty pictures? Threats of withholding campaign contributions? It’s really embarrassing as well as infuriating to see congress with its collective pants down around their legislative ankles just waiting for Israel to do it again.”

Not that there’s anything wrong with that …

Well, actually, there is a lot wrong with that, but, in any case, what’s the answer to this question? Again and again Israel has outraged the world, and even many of its most dedicated supporters, by its actions: multiple invasions of Lebanon, “incursions” into Gaza and the West Bank, the ever-expanding settlements, the vicious racism and tribalism that characterizes the present ultra-rightist government of Benjamin Netanyahu, which includes the openly racist and fascist party of the thuggish Avigdor Lieberman – the list of Israel’s sins is a long one, and that’s going back but a few years."

Full article


  1. On the left as well as the right, their partisans tirelessly promote the Israeli government line – and don’t hesitate to rebuke their own political leaders whenever they show signs of straying from the narrow path of righteousness.

    A good example is Rep. Barney Frank of Massachusetts. Shortly after the Gaza flotilla attack, he strongly criticized Israel's actions. WITHIN a COUPLE OF DAYS, Frank was "clarifying" his comments. They got to him and called him to heel. Really disgusting.

  2. <span>U</span>.S. Rep. Barney Frank scrambled yesterday to backtrack from his criticisms of an Israeli raid on a pro-Palestinian flotilla that left nine dead - saying he never referred to those killed as “innocent.”
    Frank, (D-Newton), came under fire from local Jewish groups after telling the Herald Tuesday he was “as a Jew ... ashamed” of some Israeli actions and saying there should be a “genuinely impartial” inquiry into the raid. Yesterday, Frank said a probe by an Israeli-commissioned group is best.

  3. thankgodimatheistJune 7, 2010 at 7:23 PM

    Helen Thomas brought to heel..
    But then again she's 90. At such an age one couldn't care less.
    Interestingly enough, her comment was made after Gaza onslaught more than a year ago. The video was released just after the flotilla raid. I wonder why..(No I don't)

  4. thankgodimatheistJune 7, 2010 at 7:30 PM

    People are terrified to speak out. They have to retract immediately or else. Careers have been ruined. They learn their lesson quickly.
