Sunday, June 13, 2010

Name Of Slain American Activist Omitted From New York Times Article

The New York Times provided, on Thursday afternoon, internet "coverage" of the deadly Israeli attack on the Freedom Flotilla and its nonviolent peace activists heading to Gaza to deliver humanitarian supplies.
 Furkan Dogan -
Furkan Dogan -
This coverage buried the name of an American citizen who was one of the activists shot and killed by the Israeli forces during the illegal assault on the Freedom Flotilla.
Writing for New York Times, Isabel Kershner, initially mentioned the name of Furkan Dogan, 19, who was born in Troy, New York in the United States and lived there as a child before moving to Turkey.
But by Friday morning, Dogan’s name could not be found in the story of the New York Times, both in the online edition and the print, James M. Wall said.
Full story


  1. "Nonpersons are described in <span>George Orwell</span>'s <span>Nineteen Eighty-Four</span> as people who were erased from existence by alteration of records. The <span>Newspeak</span> word for such a person was <span>unperson</span>." (wikipedia, s.v., 'nonperson')

  2. In other words they unexisted him
