Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Israeli Left-wing activist Tali Fahima converts to Islam

Fahima is said to have converted at a mosque in Umm al-Fahm in the presence of sheikhs who tested her knowledge of the principles of Islam. Afterwards, she visited the home of Sheikh Raed Salah and informed him of her conversion.


  1. Fahima declared that she would serve as a human shield for Zubeidi, who was wanted by Israeli security forces. She also reportedly had an affair with Zubeidi.

    Good grief.

  2. thankgodimatheistJune 8, 2010 at 7:38 PM

    Which part you find offensive vza? That she wants to act as a human shield or that she had an affair with Zubeidi?

  3. You know, at first I thought her a bit of loon based on what was in the article you posted, but I looked her up and the Guardian had an interesting article about her, so I must retract what I first posted.  I don't know, I have never been impressed with the methods of the Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade. The name alone puts me off. So I cannot understand her defense of Zubeidi. And I simply do not buy the apologetics for suicide missions and the religious nonsense that goes along with them. 

  4. Btw, the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade was responsible for sending out that mentally challenged boy, Hussam Abdo strapped wth explosives.  They are scum.

  5. I was going to ask why we should be interested in someone rejecting one form of delusion only to embrace another, but now I see it was posted to wind up vza.

  6. <span>"... but now I see it was posted to wind up vza."</span>

    Absolutely! Tgia does this on a regular basis just for me, don't you know!
