Saturday, June 5, 2010

Ilan Pappé: The deadly closing of the Israeli mind

The decline in Israel's reputation since the brutal attack on the Gaza flotilla is unlikely to influence the country's leaders
By Ilan Pappé, The Independent
"The real, unlike the declared, strategy is to continue this state of affairs. As long as the international community is complacent, the Arab world impotent and Gaza contained, Israel can still have a thriving economy and an electorate that regards the dominance of the army in its life, the continued conflict and the oppression of the Palestinians as the exclusive past, the present and future reality of life in Israel. The US vice-president Joe Biden was humiliated by the Israelis recently when they announced the building of 1,600 new homes in the disputed Ramat Shlomo district of Jerusalem, on the day he arrived to try to freeze the settlement policy. But his unconditional support now for the latest Israeli action makes the leaders and their electorate feel vindicated."
Full article


  1. TGIA, do you know Ilan Pappé's email address? I would like to ask him about his research.

    I am especially interested in Israeli discrimination against the 23% of Israeli citizens that are Palestinians.



    Dear UN General Assembly Members: 

    We, the undersigned citizens of the world, call on the United Nations General Assembly to rescind Israel's membership in the UN, as a step toward ending Zionist apartheid. 

    Israel's attack on a humanitarian aid fleet on Monday May 31, 2010, its murder of 9  human rights activists in international waters and wounding 50 others demonstrate that Israel rejects the structural tenets of our shared humanity, manifested in a global moral consensus and international law. 

    Countless UN resolutions call on Israel to respect international law. It abides by none of them. It should therefore lose its place among the global family of nations. 

    Israel has been violating international law and the Fourth Geneva Convention in its building of settlements, displacement of the indigenous population of Palestine, invasion of surrounding countries, killing and ethnically cleansing civilians systematically through the use of massacres. Israel has never been held accountable for the massacres of Deir Yassin, Qibya, Sabra and Shatilla, Qana, Gaza, and Jenin, for murdering Rachel Corrie, nor, as of today, for its massacre on the flotilla of international peace activists hoping to break Israel’s siege on the Palestinian people. As of 2007, Gaza has been turned into an open air prison housing 1.5 million people. Since 1948, Palestinians who carry Israeli citizenship do not enjoy equal protection or rights under Israeli law for not being classified as “Jewish Nationals.” Palestinian survivors of ethnic cleansing are denied the right to return. 

    We, the citizens of the world, call upon you to shape the 21st century with a new ethic, already enshrined in the United Nations. We call upon you to end Zionist apartheid and racial injustice by stripping Israel of its UN membership.



  3. <span><span>"TGIA, do you know Ilan Pappé's email address?"</span> 
    Know why do you think TG might have Ilan Pappe's Email ? idiot ....</span>

  4. If the blog's token idiot had a computer and a modicum of savvy he'd have no trouble finding I.P.s address - but there's one ingredient missing from that combination. Perhaps he should contact his friends in the crazyonist  community. No doubt they'll be sending death threats to Pappé's mailbox.

  5. Why is it idiotic to assume that TGIA can't find pappe's e-mail address?

    VAA, removing Israel or any soveriegn nation from the UN would be a mistake. Rather pressure Israel to do right by the Palestinians.

    Looking for articles about how Israelis discriminate against Palestinian Israeli citizens.

  6. thankgodimatheistJune 6, 2010 at 2:52 PM


    <span><span>Discrimination against Palestinian citizens of Israel rooted in 1948   
    Discrimination Against Palestinian Arab Children in Israel’s Schools   
    Israel’s humiliating discrimination against Arab Jews   
    UN: Israel must stop discrimination against Arabs, Palestinians   
    Israel’s Foundational Discrimination against Its Arab Minority 

  7. thankgodimatheistJune 6, 2010 at 2:55 PM

    More articles:
    Separate but Not Equal

    Human Rights in Israel and Occupied Palestine
    Ten years ago on UDHR's 50th anniversary, ACRI assessed the status of human rights in Israel and discovered some troubling phenomena and trends:

    -- inequality,

    -- social gaps,

    -- human rights violations in the OPT,

    -- eroding social rights,

    -- increasing privatization of social services, and more.

  8. thankgodimatheistJune 6, 2010 at 2:56 PM

    "The State of Israel has increasingly shirked its responsibility to ensure its citizens the most fundamental rights:"

    -- to health,

    -- education,

    -- housing, and

    -- to live in dignity.

    Quite the opposite:

    -- inequality is growing,

    -- socioeconomic gaps are widening,

    -- free expression and privacy are threatened,

    -- racist trends are more common,

    -- so are ones that limit basic freedoms and endanger human and civil rights; legislation for them has been tabled in the Knesset,

    -- judicial equity is eroding,

    -- so is democracy,

    -- civil society organizations and activists are threatened,

    -- institutionalized discrimination exists,

    -- Arab Israelis are disadvantaged, persecuted, endangered, and live under third-world conditions, especially in "unrecognized villages" in the Negev and Galilee;

    -- the gap between Arabs and Jews has widened, and

    -- all of the above is in Israel.

  9. thankgodimatheistJune 6, 2010 at 2:56 PM

    In Occupied Palestine, conditions are far worse and oppressive. "For forty-one years, Israel has denied fundamental rights to four million Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza," effectively controlling their lives, and repressively denying them their rights under military occupation:

    -- to life,

    -- liberty,

    -- personal security,

    -- free movement and expression,

    -- to earn a living,

    -- to health,

    -- education,

    -- to basic dignity, and much more.

    ACRI compiled its data from numerous and varied sources:

    -- non-governmental organizations,

    -- newspapers,

    -- Knesset deliberations and documents, and

    -- Israeli published material and court proceedings.

    Its report covers equality, civil, and social rights.

  10. thankgodimatheistJune 6, 2010 at 2:57 PM

    The Right to Equality

    Sixty years after the UDHR and establishment of the State of Israel, these rights have no "constitutional anchoring." No institutions are empowered to apply them, and Arab Israelis and Palestinians are fundamentally denied them in all respects.

    In addition, Israeli laws and policies reflect institutionalized discrimination favoring Jews alone - no others, including Christians. Those most aggrieved are the Palestinians in the OPT. For Jews, however, laws have been passed to guarantee equality even though they're loosely enforced and are seriously eroding:

    -- the Equal Employment Opportunity Law (1988) prohibits employment discrimination (in theory) with regard to nationality, country of origin, age, gender, family status, sexual orientation, faith, opinion, and party affiliation;

    -- the Equal Rights for People with Disabilities Law (1998) affirms their right to be integrated into society, to equality of employment, and to accessibility; in practice, it's loosely enforced and doesn't work;

    -- the Prohibition of Discrimination in Products, Services and Entry into Places of Entertainment and Public Places Law (2000) prevents discrimination by private individuals; again, enforcement is lax;

    -- various amendments to the State Service Law assures fair representation of women, the disabled, Arab citizens, and Ethiopian immigrants in public bodies; they don't work; and

    -- many judicial rulings on equality and against discrimination; they, too, end up nonstarters.

    Inequality and discrimination persist because they're hard to prove and Israeli society never internalized these values in practice. It shows in the Israel Democracy Institute's 2008 Democracy Index in which 83% agreed that "every person should have the same rights," but only 56% want full equality for all citizens, including Arabs and women.

  11. thankgodimatheistJune 6, 2010 at 2:58 PM

    Here's the rest of the extensive study, anan..Have a look:

  12. thankgodimatheistJune 6, 2010 at 3:03 PM

    More discrimination:
    Arab Israeli Citizens

    Though legally entitled to full equality, they're effectively victimized by institutional discrimination "deriving from the concept of the State and its actual policies:"

    -- Judaizing the Negev and Galilee, for example;

    -- legislation favoring Jews over Arabs, such as the right to citizenship;

    -- anachronistic institutions since the founding of the State that strictly serve Jewish majority interests in all respects;

    -- laws, court rulings, government policies, and official documents discriminate against Arab citizens.

    In November 2000 at the beginning of the Second Intifada, the Or Commission was established to investigate Israeli security force killings of Arab Israelis and Palestinians. In September 2003, it published its findings and concluded that:

    "The State was not doing enough and was not making a sufficient effort to provide equality to Arab citizens and to remove the phenomena of discrimination and deprivation....It must be a fundamental aim of the State's actions to achieve true equality for its Arab citizens....To this end, the State must promote, develop, and introduce plans to close the gaps, putting emphasis on the budgetary areas, in all aspects of education, housing, industrial development, employment, and services. Special attention should be paid to the living conditions and plight of the Arab Bedouin."

    Five years later, "nothing has been done to improve the status (and welfare)" of Israel's Arab population. For example:

  13. thankgodimatheistJune 6, 2010 at 3:04 PM

    -- discriminatory legislation continues, including bills and laws that delegitimize Arab Israelis, deny them equal rights, and treat them as enemies;

    -- the Citizenship and Entry into Law denies Palestinian citizenship to spouses of Israeli citizens, their right to reside in Israel, permission to stay in the country, and those already there must leave; in July 2008, the law was extended for another year;

    -- in June 2008, a Basic Law amendment now denies candidacy for the Knesset to anyone who visited a "hostile" country (meaning Occupied Palestine) without a permit; though worded in "neutral" language, it's directly solely at Arab legislative members to reduce their already limited numbers;

    -- Israel continues to institutionalize discrimination through increasing numbers of new laws;

    -- they affect land distribution and planning egregiously; since the founding of the State, the Arab population has grown sevenfold, yet Israel expropriated half of formerly Arab-owned lands and hasn't established a single new Arab town; in contrast, 600 new Jewish ones have been built; Israeli Arabs comprise 20% of the population, yet live on and have jurisdiction over only 2.5% of the land; also, Arab citizens can't acquire or lease land in over 80% of State territory;

    -- Bedouin Arabs are severely discriminated against in so-called "unrecognized villages," mainly in the Galilee and Negev desert; in 1965, Israel delegitimized their villages, zoned them to benefit Jews and expel Arabs, forbade unlicensed construction, banned it on agricultural land, and stipulated where Jews and Arabs could live; the law made Bedouins internal refugees and trespassers on their own land; they still are as ethnic cleansing continues;

    -- so-called mixed towns are where 90,000 Arab citizens live in separate neighborhoods from Jews; differences between them are pronounced; Arab ones suffer from neglect, are in disrepair, lack public services, and are deprived of or are severely lacking in essential ones like education, health care and housing; others as well like public transport, proper roads, banks, post office branches, local government offices, community or commercial centers, help for the elderly, indigent or unemployed, garbage collection, lighting, and more.

  14. thankgodimatheistJune 6, 2010 at 3:07 PM

    Incarceration Conditions of Prisoners and Detainees

    Israel's Office of Public Defender and the Israeli Bar Association reveal disturbing violations of fundamental prisoner rights, including excessive force and brutal conduct of guards - against Jews.

    Common prisoner complaints included violence, threats, humiliating and contemptuous guard behavior, invasive and degrading searches, disproportionate discipline, illegal restraints, and minors weren't exempted.

    As bad is the deplorable conditions in many Israeli prisons:

    -- extreme overcrowding;

    -- poor hygienic and sanitary conditions;

    -- inadequate ventilation;

    -- suffocating heat;

    -- no separation between toilets and showers; and

    -- a shortage of basic equipment such as heaters, clothing and blankets.

  15. I envy your patience TG. anan will not register , you might throw "Takfiri" somewhere and you'll see his arse-hole on fire.

  16. you guys who want Pappe's address. Just go to his site. An educator/writer of his stature most definitely has his own place for being reached.

    Just think out side the box!
