Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Gordon Duff: Freedom Flotilla's Real Victory, America's Propaganda Machine Exposed

Post image for Gordon Duff: Freedom Flotilla's Real Victory,  America's Propaganda Machine Exposed


By Gordon Duff* | Sabbah Report |

The second the faked videos were available, cheap edits and voice overs first, Sky News and Fox, both owned by Israeli Likudist Rupert Murdoch, began the disinformation campaign. The "Freedom Flotilla" of peace activists suddenly became an armed Al Qaeda invasion force replete with heavy artillery, dirty bombs and terrorist trainers.

Patched in over the wounded calling for aid was the Israeli soundtrack, "Go Back to Auschwitz." This was played dozens of times before technicians showed it and other Israeli released video and audio from the attack to be counterfeit. With hours of video smuggled out, those tiny memory cards fit in the oddest places, Israel, Fox, Beck and the parade of media who ate up the lies are now delegitimized as are the groups that stood with them in silence.

It isn't just the dubbed audio or the new video showing IDF troops executing wounded. With so many witnesses of unquestionable integrity all saying the same thing, Israel and the media married to them are on the ropes. The belief that any story contrary to the political or economic ties of the corporate owners could easily be tagged as "conspiracy theory" has backfired.

As a result, every media outlet and every anchor and pundit that took a wrong side against this unexpected avalanche is tumbling into obscurity, Wolf Blitzer, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Glen Beck leading the way.

Full story


  1. You've been hoodwinked.  You've
    been had.  You've been took.
    You've been led astray, run amok.
    You've been bamboozled.
    - Malcolm X

  2. <span>You've been owned!</span>
