Saturday, April 3, 2010

‘Simpsons’ go to Israel (the ‘happiest place on earth’)

"But the real insult comes earlier on as the Simpsons land in Israel, and Krusty the Clown heads to the Gaza Strip Club. Get it? Gaza Strip. Gaza Strip Club. It’s comedic retardation, and it’s unbelievably insulting to the 1.5 million Palestinians forced to live there under an Israeli blockade. The Gaza Strip was intentionally de-developed after Israel withdrew its colonial-military infrastructure, and much of the strip was devastated by Israel’s offensive there over a year ago. To compare the Gaza Strip to something that is consider haram, meaning against God, in Islam, is an outrage. Could you imagine Krusty the Clown going to the Darfur Whore House, or the Haiti Bordello? No, people would be livid. But the Palestinians have been so thoroughly dehumanized in America that this tasteless joke raised no eyebrows."


  1. Could you imagine the Clown going to the "Broads of Naher al Bared" drag queen club? or the Ramallah Palestinian gay club "RamMolly"? 
    No, because they would execute any gay.

  2. thanklgodimatheistApril 4, 2010 at 1:52 AM

    <span>Could you imagine the Clown going to the "Broads of Naher al Bared" drag queen club?</span>
    Yes I can..Hardly but I still  can. Because Nahr el Bared is in Lebanon not in Israel.. Nice try though. Maybe your next insightful comment is going to be a bit more relevant..

  3. <span><span>BTW, Israeli,  why are you  are impersonating an Arab? ..Why don't you try some honesty for a change? I don't call myself Shlomo or yishai after all,  do I?</span></span>

  4. I think Weiss is being a little dramatic here. But that being said, I don't have a problem with fun being poked at any religious, political or ethnic group-but when the target is some group that is going through a terrible hardship, then it just becomes cowardly bullying. And it will be interesting to see how Israeli racist policies are satirized...We really shouldn't judge until we see it. You Don't Mess With The Zohan, although excrutiatingly unfunny like all Adam Sandler's movies, had an anti-Zionist message-the hero renounces violence and leaves Israel. I for one won't be watching the Simpsons. They have been doing the same shtick decades too long.

  5. Instead of that religious bullshit, the story should be that they get mistaken for Arabs somehow and they get caught in the Gaza Strip. Bart could get arrested. Marge and Lisa could be strip searched. It would be great fun and very edgy.

  6. Joe just a correction. The post was written by <span>Barnabe Geisweiller not by Weiss  and here's the post in full:
    "When I learned the Simpsons, America’s famous cartoon family, were going to Israel , I thought: Oy vey!
    The episode predictably glosses over the real Israel. All is well in cartoon Israel. The Muslims in Jerusalem are voiceless, sour-faced caricatures that prostrate themselves in the street (perhaps the Israeli security forces had sealed off the entrance to the Noble Sanctuary, home of the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque). There is of course no mention of that dirty, little word: Palestine. No, Israel is the Holy Land, Jerusalem is “the happiest place on earth.”
    But the writers of the episode seemed intent on doing more than just ignoring the reality of the 5 million Palestinians in Israel-Palestine: they thought it would be funny to diss them too.
    The Simpsons’ Israeli tour guide takes the family straight to the Dome of the Rock, as though that was no big deal, and stupidly tells Marge: “OK, this shrine contains the rock on which Abraham was going to sacrifice his son. And Muslims believe something, too. To find out, hire a Muslim tour guide—that’s a barrel of laughs.”
    "But the real insult comes earlier on as the Simpsons land in Israel, and Krusty the Clown heads to the Gaza Strip Club. Get it? Gaza Strip. Gaza Strip Club. It’s comedic retardation, and it’s unbelievably insulting to the 1.5 million Palestinians forced to live there under an Israeli blockade. The Gaza Strip was intentionally de-developed after Israel withdrew its colonial-military infrastructure, and much of the strip was devastated by Israel’s offensive there over a year ago. To compare the Gaza Strip to something that is consider haram, meaning against God, in Islam, is an outrage. Could you imagine Krusty the Clown going to the Darfur Whore House, or the Haiti Bordello? No, people would be livid. But the Palestinians have been so thoroughly dehumanized in America that this tasteless joke raised no eyebrows."
    <span></span>104 comments

  7. Is that all you people do is moan about the world. No wonder no one likes you
