Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Gee! What's next?!!

Thomas Friedmann is toughing up on the yahoo and his gov't. in the NYT!!

"On his recent trip to Israel…the vice president missed a chance to send a powerful public signal: He should have snapped his notebook shut, gotten right back on Air Force Two, flown home and left the following scribbled note behind: “Message from America to the Israeli government: Friends don’t let friends drive drunk. And right now, you’re driving drunk. You think you can embarrass your only true ally in the world, to satisfy some domestic political need, with no consequences? You have lost total contact with reality. Call us when you’re serious. We need to focus on building our country.”
Sorry for linking to the NYT, but hey! I wouldn't mind asking someone in there the time it is if I am in a hurry to catch a plane!..


  1. Israel is paying a price for kicking America around. Israel has been kicking America around for decades.

    We Americans may not be as powerful and influential as we use to be or as we think we are; but Israel must understand that there are consequences for kicking us around.

    I know, Israelis will say take your stinking $3 billion/year back . . . we Israelis don't need you anymore . . . our relationship with China and India is more important than our relationship with the US.

    Hell, the Israelis might even be right. But we Americans should do this anyway. We might not be able to influence Israel any; but at least we won't be giving them $3 billion a year anymore. Not that we have any significant influence on Israel even after giving them $3 billion a year.

  2. <span>Don't go astray anan and don't forget that  the US is the only country (Micronesia and Palau do not count) backing Israel at the UN. Without the American vetos  Israel would have gone under the bus long time ago..It's not only about the 3b dollars or the arms but the support at the UN...</span>

  3. <span><span><span>From Obsolete's blog -</span></span></span>
    <span><span><span>"It tells you something about the moral compass of America and Israel that what is being described as the </span></span><span>biggest crisis in relations between the two in 35 years</span><span><span> has not occurred over say, a war in which nearly </span></span><span>1,2000 Lebanese civilians were killed</span><span><span>, or the attack on Gaza last year in </span></span><span>which almost 1,000 civilians were killed</span><span><span>, but instead over the snub given to vice-president Joe Biden on his visit to Israel last week ..."</span></span></span>
