Thursday, December 17, 2009

BDS victory - Credo Mobile Hangs Up On Motorola!

"Last week we found out that Credo Mobile, a telephone service provider that claims to be guided by progressive values, stopped offering Motorola phones to their customers after complaints from our supporters. This is a major victory in our campaign to boycott Motorola for profiting from Israeli occupation and apartheid against Palestinians! Please take a moment to thank Credo for this decision."
US Campaign to End Israeli Occupation


  1. We just signed up for Credo this week.  Just got my samsung phone today.  Everyone in the US should move to credo.  AT&T donates money to the Republicans...

  2. i have a "new credo"  :)

  3. I just started service with them and found some special offers.  Now I'm using my first BlackBerry smartphone.  Loving it!
