Thursday, September 24, 2009

"Today, Obama wins"

NY Senator Chuck Schumer was angered by the(Obama) speech. From Yeshiva World:

“To make absolute statements, particularly when in the past Israel has sort of done everything the Palestinians asked and they still won’t give her peace is to me a counter productive policy,” Sen. Charles Schumer said.


  1. Sen. Charles Schumer not be smart. What ye all think of me attempts at Yoda Haiku?

  2. anan
    Have you taken up the booz?

  3. so I guess that means the PAlestinians have asked Israel for checkpoints, mass killing, the Wall, and various other crimes.

  4. no, it's another of his internet personas creeping in.

  5. btw, i haven't seen the speech.  what kinds of things did he say about Israel/Palestine?

  6. Yasmin,  have you heard or read other presidents speechs at this "peace' process?  Than all you need to know is that it is a repeat - blah, blah, blah.  The broken record of thieves and liars.
