Friday, June 26, 2009

Naomi Klein in Bil'in: Boycott Israel

Bil’in – Ma’an – Canadian author Naomi Klein called for an international boycott of Israel during a visit to the West Bank village of Bil’in on Friday, where she also attended a weekly demonstration against Israel’s separation wall.

Klein held a news conference in Bil’in, which is known for its tenacious demonstrations against the Israeli barrier, on the first of her nine days in the region, where she is promoting a recent translation of her book, the Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism.
Ma'an Agency


  1. She is doing  a very good job, not only exposing what Israel is doing, but encouraging the Boycott to get under way.  All the proceeds from her Hebrew translation are going to resistance.

  2. The Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC) today (Wednesday 24 June) rejected the Foreign Office’s “dismay” at trade union’s supporting boycotts of Israel, and suggested this is an indication that the UK Government is out of step with the views of workers on this matter.
    The Foreign Secretary David Miliband MP yesterday stated that: “The Government is dismayed that motions calling for boycotts of Israel are being discussed at trade union congresses and conferences this summer”.
    STUC Assistant Secretary Mary Senior said: “I am pleased that the UK Government is beginning to recognise the strength of feeling in the British trade union movement for the need for urgent action against the state of Israel for its continued violations of human rights of Palestinians. Rather than expressing his dismay to us, the Foreign Secretary should be expressing his outrage in the strongest terms to the Israeli Government for its attacks on the people of Gaza, for the growing Israeli settlements in Palestinian territory, and for the ongoing breaches of international human rights laws”.

  3. Oh, but she does not understand the old boys club of colonialism does she?  You are supposed to ignore those issues, or for that matter any colonial interest anywhere in the world and the attendant atrocities. I mean, Israel is a Hegelian state no matter how you cut it, that is all that matters (obvious sarcasm intended).

  4. I've always admired Klein, she's one of the sharpest observers out there and doesn't mind who she angers. Whenever someone prattles about that lightweight Naomi Klein I refer them to her same-named superior.
