And he is still talking about ethnic cleansing....
Lieberman spoke glowingly of the "Cypriot model" ? which includes an exchange of populations - as a possible template for a solution to the Middle East impasse. In the 1970s, the Mediterranean island was partitioned in two, with Turks in the north and Greeks in the south. "Since then, there has been security, economic prosperity, and stability," Lieberman said of Cyprus. "When we have [such a solution] in our region then we can talk about a political solution. Everything before this will simply fail."
Lieberman in Paris -
Someone posted a comment saying the protestors at Lieberman's visit are anti-Semitic. Interesting, non? Latuff is "very anti-semitic" too...That's very interesting too!lol.
Every person that complains about Israel apartheid behavior is anti semitic,,,, Tutu, Mandela, Carter, UN, etc.