Bad news for those fearful of "creeping socialism" in the United States -- only 53 percent of Americans now believe capitalism is the better system, according to a new poll Thursday.
Fully 20 percent in the Rasmussen Reports survey said that socialism was their preferred economic system -- a startling number that suggests growing disaffection as the "land of the free" fights its worst recession in decades.
I always get a kick out of people who think Obama is engaging in socialism. What he is engaging in is crony capitalism, with the trillions in bailout. Socialism would address the condition of the masses in a true across the board fashion, it does not just fill the pockets of an elite few. If you do not know what is going on, I suggest you visit the current post on my site (prompt my name).
ReplyDelete"You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it."
ReplyDelete~~~~~ Dr. Adrian Rogers, 1931 - 2005 ~~~~~
Fleming you finally posted something that makes sense. The only error is that far less than half the people take far more without working now, unless you consider graft, lying, extortion, and theft work. I hope you aren't referring to the pittance the unemployed, working poor, and disabled receive to keep them quiet.
ReplyDeleteBut don't worry, "my dear friend", working in a quarry won't be so bad once the good guys take over.
ReplyDeleteDespite the best concerted efforts of the paid-for media and the puppet-mastered politicians, the American people are fully aware that the dismantling of the Great Society and the whole social safety net is NOT in their interests, and that maybe we should look to countries that blend democracy and socialism, like Sweden, Finland, Germany, and France where for all their problems, ordinary people have a much better standard of living than workers here do.
ReplyDeleteI love the pompous phrase "what one person receives without working"...could you by any chance be referring to unearned income, like investment income and inheritance? Well -- I agree! Tax it to the max baby!
Here's my economic stimulus plan: National health care. Government-funded pensions. Free vocational training for jobs. Pay for it by ending all wars we're currently in and putting lots of confiscatory taxes on the super-wealthy.
Oh, and a Green Jobs Corps similar to the WPA and the CCC, two of the greatest programs ever put in place by any American president.
ReplyDeleteDancing O you are grossly out of touch with the "american people".
ReplyDeleteWhat you advocate is nothing less than communism, or perhaps extreme socialism.
How does destroying all incentive for people to save and invest help exactly? You do realize that is what your extreme taxation policies would do? There would be no such thing as a self funded retirement, because no one could save enough to afford it. Thus the govt becomes caretaker of us all. The vast majority of americans HATE the idea of govt as their caretaker, I can ASSURE you.
Imposing confiscatory taxes on the "super wealthy" runs counter to everything american. Achieving economic success through entrepreuneurial risk taking ahd hard work are the backbone of this country's greatness. And you want to destroy that by having the govt swoop in and take it from them because.....? Oh, because you believe we are all entitled to a job, housing, food, health care, cable tv and other such necessities and niceties, huh...
Well, it doesnt, at least not in this country. That is why its the most productive, wealthiest country on earth.
Dancing O is a dreamer's dreamer. "End all wars". Oh sure, its that simple. Perhaps dismantle the military? Nevermind how many jobs and careers would be instantly destroyed. Tax the hell out of investment income, no matter the consequnces on the millions currently in retirement and live on such, or those that have lived frugally in order to have that opportunity one day. Instead, lets reward all those who havent saved and/or have lived profligately! Sure that makes total NONsense.
Meanwhile Dancing O thinks people who have worked their entire lives to build up their plumbing business, or law practice or dentistry so that their heirs can carry it on will have it ripped from their grasp at death by this new "kinder, gentler" govt? Oh my god Dancing O, you must have the brain of a child and the heart of a monster.